Configuring URLs


Subbi self hosted checkout URLs are pretty simple to use. Simply direct your customers to the Subbi website using the following URL structure:<your subscription contract address>

Hosted checkout URLs also allow an optional redirectUrl parameter to tell Subbi to redirect your users somewhere after a successful checkout - perhaps a thank you page on your site. Redirect URLs should be encoded and can include query parameters. A full example of a hosted checkout url might look like:

You can see a live example on the mumbai environment here.


As well as hosted subscription urls, Subbi also provide hosted cancellation urls when customers wish to stop being billed. Simply swap out the 'checkout' portion of the url for 'cancel', like so:<your subscription contract address>

Just like their checkout counterparts, cancellation urls also support an optional redirectUrl parameter. A full example might look like:

You can see a live example on the mumbai environment here.

Last updated